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Monday, March 08, 2010

highly effective habits of very dramatic people

C is preparing for 4-H Presentation Day this weekend, at which she will present an interpretive reading of the passage from Anne of Green Gables wherein Marilla and Anne meet for the first time, and Anne finds out that they don't want her because she's not a boy. I am (among many other positions including nurse, nutritionist, teacher, spiritual guide, and taskmaster) my daughter's drama coach, so I was helping her along a bit with her reading:

I: All right, here's what I want you to imagine. We've built a beautiful barn, and fenced in our whole acreage, and bought hay and grain, and we go with the horse trailer to the breeder's farm, and you hug your new horse and love her and give her a name, and we bring her home and turn her loose in the barn and then a sheriff's deputy comes and tells us that we have to take her back because you can't have horses here. That is how Anne is feeling right now; she was getting everything she ever wanted her whole life but now she's just figured out that she doesn't get to have it after all.

C: OK.

I: Ready?

C: Yes. "'You don't want me? You don't want me because--'" [racking, uncontrollable, whole-body sobs.]

 It took five minutes for her to be ready to try again. When she's on Broadway, she'll have to come up with some kind of Method-Lite or she'll never be able to make it through a performance.

Posted by Rachel on March 8, 2010 02:27 PM in I dunno, I thought it was funny... | kids


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