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Friday, January 01, 2010

tweets, 1/1/09

I've come to accept the fact that this blog is the only thing that allows me to remember anything I've done, read, seen, or thought, so I may as well use it.

OK, I'm going to try to do a photo a day in 2010. Or, realistically, for the next six days until I get too lazy. http://tinyurl.com/yhcwczu 10:00 PM Jan 01, 2010 from web

This is part of my decision to try to remember to do things I love that don't involve school or social networking. For the fall semester last year, especially, I felt really off-balance, and I want there to be something in my life besides, well, school and social networking. So I'm going to try to remember to breathe deep and take walks and make music and knit, and play with my family, and spend time with my husband, and all manner of things that I used to do before school took over my life. (Item: I am in awe that people do this and work full-time too. Granted, homeschooling is quite a job, and I use that as an excuse for myself when I need it, but it feels hollow. I am increasingly certain that the real time-suck is Facebook -- not so much that I spend a long time at it each day, necessarily, just that it lures me in at all hours in passing and distracts me from other things.) We'll see how this plays out once college is, you know, actually in session.

I love how all the posts from my peers are about how nobody's staying up till 12. Like this one! Happy new year, and welcome to middle age. 11:40 PM Dec 31st, 2009 from web

As it turned out, I was awake at 12, reading in bed. I'm not sure if that's any more youthful or wild than just going to sleep. ;-) Our neighbors made enough noise for both our houses, not that I minded. At least these guys (they're new) didn't seem interested in shooting up in the air, which is a really common method of celebration in rural areas. (It's not true that the bullets come down as fast as they go up, but they do come down mighty fast. My brother once found one embedded in his roof, which is fortunately a much bigger target than, say, your child's scalp and skull.)

So. Maybe you'll see me here more often in 2010 than you have in a while. Or maybe not. Old broken habits are hard to unbreak. Or something.

Posted by Rachel on January 1, 2010 11:55 PM in daily tweets


Well, I for one hope that I'll work. I've missed you! :-)

Posted by: Maria at January 6, 2010 04:04 AM

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