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Monday, September 28, 2009

The Day In Tweets: in which I am humbled.

OK, I'm going to try the daily posting of tweets thing. Without further ado*:

  • A&P work done. I read half a chapter without taking notes. Feels a little scary, like I should be in hiding from the Studying Secret Police. about 7 hours ago from web
I got a 9/10 on the quiz. I cannot allow this to lull me into a false sense of security about the exam I will be taking this week, though, and I am studying like a maniac. Except when I'm , um, blogging. Or tweeting. Or reading other people's blogs or tweets, or playing Lexulous, or hanging out at Facebook, or eating leftover birthday cake, or idly fantasizing about diving into a giant pool filled with cold tingly diet Coke.
  • I have to take a quiz by 4:00 on the entire skeleton. In a week's worth of studying, have now learned... the skull. I am dead meat. about 10 hours ago from web
This was poor planning on my part. In fairness, the skull and the stuff that came before it (bone cells, bone anatomy, bone repair, etc.) made up about half the chapter BUT STILL. Side note: I LOVE this class so, so much. It's right up there with linguistic nerdiness on my list of Favorite Kinds of Stuff to Learn (what, you don't keep track of this too?), but I'm very glad that I don't study in public because it'd look a little odd for me to be sitting, say, on a commuter train, instead of on my couch, feeling my zygomatic arches or pronating and supinating my hand or contemplatively wiggling the condyloid joints in my metacarpals. And you know I would do it.
  • I am publicly confessing that I was wrong about what monkey bars are called & my husband was right. (Good thing he can't see this at work.) about 13 hours ago from web
I wasn't very vehement about it, but in my mind "monkey bars" was a generic term for any kind of jungle-gym bars setup (at my elementary school we used to have a set that was vaguely rocket-shaped), and the bars that C likes to do, the ones that are like a ladder lying horizontally and you go hand-over-hand across them, I've always called "horizontal bars." T maintained that horizontal bars were for gymnasts and that C likes monkey bars. He was right and I was wrong and just look at me posting this where he can see it now! Aren't I a good wife?

*I occasionally contemplate closing this blog and moving to blogger where I will have a free blog titled "Further Ado" or maybe "With Further Ado", because really, I am ALL ABOUT further ado. And now the word "ado" looks like a non-word that I've just made up. My work here is done.

Posted by Rachel on September 28, 2009 10:14 PM in daily tweets | marriage | the hard-working coed


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