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Sunday, February 01, 2009

So, um, hi.

In case you were wondering (you probably weren't, you probably hadn't even really noticed my absence, but I'm allowed to have a few fantasies here, right?), I actually was planning on abandoning my blog for good, but then I changed my mind. (This is the part where you pretend to sigh in relief, instead of dismay, to make me feel better. Thank you.) The reasons I changed my mind were (ooh goody! a list!):

  1. I like reviewing the books I read, so as to have a record for myself, but I won't do it unless I have a place where other people might see the reviews. I'm narcissistic that way, I guess.

  2. Also, to whom would I brag about my garden this spring, if not to my loyal blogging public? (P.S. I HAVE SEEDS! A whole bag of seeds! Spring can't stay away forever!)

  3. Also also, I missed everyone. Yes, I know "everyone" is something on the order of ten people, but I missed communicating with you (yes, you!) for the almost-month that I was no longer a blogger. Even the commentless posts felt like conversations. And that's as soppy as I'm going to get about the whole thing, so you don't need to run away in fear of more goopy sentiment.

  4. Further also, Facebook just isn't the same, and Twitter's not quite enough. Not that I won't post stuff there too, but I was wrong when I thought I would be just as happy without a blog since I had those two outlets.

  5. Further further also, I guess #1 can be expanded to include life in general. I'm amazed how often I look back on my old blog posts and have a wonderful time reading and remembering about stuff I had completely forgotten, and which never would have written down if it were only for myself to read. So basically, I have to allow myself the illusion that someone else might find my thoughts interesting before I record them, even if I'm really recording them for myself. Is there a name for this particular psychological disorder?

The thing is, I'm so out of the habit of using this thing on a regular basis, and I have a whole lot more going on on a day-to-day basis than I did when I used to post every day. (Sometimes, early on, more than once a day. Really! People do that! Remember when it was once a day and twice on Sunday? Where'd that kind of spark go? What? I'm talking about blogging!) I have actual stuff that I have to write for actual grades, and I have an actual garden (well, seasonally - although I am so putting in cold frames for lettuce and broccoli. What's the use of living in California if you can't take advantage of the relatively mild winters?), and actual children who don't generally like being blog fodder, and I do try to keep my house from looking as if a thrift shop had exploded in the front room, which was, I must admit, not always the case. But I'm going to try to make time to post with some semblance of regularity. In fact, for the month of February, I'm going to try to post every day. Hey, it's a short month; you never know; I might actually make it. I won't make any drastic no-memes promises, though. I may need to cheat now and then.

So. Today is a boring metapost, but tomorrow I'll try to write about my books for December and January -- the ones I can remember, anyway. And surely I'll have come up with something else by Tuesday. I hope?

Posted by Rachel on February 1, 2009 03:29 PM in boring blog-related stuff


I, for one, am glad you are back. You're right, it's neat to go back and read about stuff you had forgotten about.

Posted by: mary at February 1, 2009 05:15 PM

I've missed you too! I'm glad you're back. It makes me sad that facebook has 'kidnapped' a lot of bloggers, because it's just not the same. I don't like that aspect of FB.

Posted by: Maria at February 1, 2009 11:35 PM

I'm really glad you decided to continue blogging! I enjoy reading your posts and book reviews, really.

Posted by: Maureen at February 2, 2009 07:06 AM

Here's another one who's glad you haven't decided to shut down your blog! I know nothing about Facebook (behind the times, I guess), and Twitter's ok, but much too limiting, imo. Anyway, just chiming in to say I'm still sitting here in the audience, looking forward to each new installment, whatever the subject. ;o)

Posted by: Michael at February 2, 2009 02:32 PM

so glad to have you back, waiting for the pictures and stories of the garden. Can we have a pic of the seed bag? Ha ha!

Did you keep Festus?

Posted by: Cami at February 2, 2009 06:19 PM

Ditto that -- I enjoy reading your posts although I rarely comment. Thanks for continuing to update!

Posted by: Betsy at February 3, 2009 07:50 PM

Don't you dare stop posting! This is the only place I can find out what is happening with you and yours nowadays - we so rarely see you (or anyone really) on the list anymore.

Oh, and I *knew* Festus would end up being your dog :)

Posted by: Carol at February 6, 2009 12:31 AM

I've missed you too. But, obviously, I am in absolutely no position to criticize others for lack of blogging here...

Posted by: Kat with a K at February 17, 2009 06:34 AM

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