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Thursday, February 05, 2009

So this is how the other 97.8% lives.

I had two extra children from Sunday until today; my niece and nephew were staying with us while their parents were away. We've had them stay with us before, but not for so extended a time when school was in session. OH MY GOSH. How do you people do it all the time? One thing I hear pretty often as a homeschooler from non-homeschooling moms is that they just don't think they could do it -- homeschooling, that is. I'm here to tell you that it's about five bazillion times easier to teach my children the three Rs plus extras than it is to get up at zero dark thirty every day and get two kids onto a school bus. It was kind of an adventure, really, but I must admit that the thought of sleeping past 6:30 in the morning has me a little giddy with joy right now. This must be what weekends are like for normal people with, you know, day jobs.

It was really a lot of fun to have them here, though. I'm not going to deny that. My kids always have a great time with their cousins. They love my cooking. And I got to have that strange combination of shuddery horror and bittersweet nostalgia when I dropped my niece off at the junior high -- excuse me, middle school -- one morning. Speaking of feeling fourteen.

By the way, my nephew says that he told his teacher that I did his homework for him, which is absolutely not true, but I wonder if she believed him. If so, she must think I am a pretty awesome haiku artist -- not to mention my madd skillz at spelling. My handwriting needs work, though.

Posted by Rachel on February 5, 2009 10:33 PM in motherhood


I know what you mean, getting the boys ready and out the door for VBS (which they are getting too old for!) was very hard! I never did figure out how people could do that all the time!!

Posted by: debi at February 7, 2009 02:22 PM

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