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Saturday, February 28, 2009

A few little updates

I'm about to do a books post, but I wanted to get some updates out of the way first because I know you all are on the edges of your seats wondering what I've been up to. Right? Hee.

Festus is still gone, presumably fitting in fine with his new family because they were going to call if he didn't. I am still sad. Not like that first day when I actually cried... a lot... but still sad. Good news in that department, though: Mary is back around and in the house, looking sleek and lovely again and coming right out in the open instead of skulking around like she had been before she finally fled to the under-house crawlspace. So that's good anyway.

I am typing this on a brand-new laptop. We had some money coming in and I've been wanting a laptop for various purposes for a long time, so now I have one. It'll be good for school, and for doing things like transcribing and Librivoxing (if I ever get back in the swing of that) in the front room where they won't bother my sleeping husband.

Speaking of my sleeping husband, he's really sick right now. We'd all had various ailments this past week -- T had a pretty bad cough and some chest congestion, and the kids and I all took turns with a 24-hour stomach virus that knocked us flat. But poor T -- today his chest got way, way worse, and he spiked a fever, and on top of that he seems to have finally caught the stomach thing too. Needless to say we're not going anywhere in the morning.

OK, enough boring life stuff. Books! Next!

Posted by Rachel on February 28, 2009 11:56 PM in the round of life


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