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Wednesday, August 06, 2008


I've had one of those days that seems tailor-made to make me feel like a complete failure. You know the type: the kids bickered at each other all day and disrespected their mom (um, that's me) and I couldn't muster the creative energy to do anything about it besides send them to their rooms and restrict their privileges AGAIN. My first attempt at pickling peppers, involving our entire crop of pepperoncini (came out to 12 quarts or so) ended up being a fiasco wherein it took FAR TOO LONG for the water in the canner to boil, and the peppers are floating in the jars all wrong because I didn't do a hot pack, and I didn't do a hot pack because I didn't want the peppers to be mushy, and then they came out mushy anyway, and mushy pickled pepperoncini are just blech. So I wound up with fourteen jars of blech and a wasted afternoon. The service department at the dealership where the new car is getting new innards (i will not swear i will not swear i will not swear) was supposed to call me today with an update (well, they were supposed to call Monday too, and when I called them on Tuesday they said they'd call me today) and they didn't and I forgot to call them which of course meant that T was ticked off at me on top of everything else. I missed Bible study because the stupid canning was taking too much stupid time so I'm here with just the dog and the cats and my grumpy bad obnoxious frowny self.

And now I'm going to take the dog and go check the mailbox to see if anyone sent me anything fun, like a million dollars or maybe a new attitude. The way today's gone, I'll probably get an unexpected tax bill or a federal jury summons or something extra awesome like that.


There was nothing in the mailbox at all, but even so I feel much better. T and the kids came home full of hugs and kisses; apologies were offered and accepted all round; T opined valiantly (and untruthfully) that pepperoncini are always mushy and that mine are just fine. Plus I'm staying up late having just a weeeeeny teeny bit of ice cream while I wait for an upload and a load of laundry to finish. Ice cream always helps; I don't know why I didn't think of that before.

Posted by Rachel on August 6, 2008 08:42 PM in I'm going crazy; want to come along?


Sorry yesterday was so cruddy! I hope the hugs and ice cream signal better things to come!

Posted by: Michael at August 7, 2008 05:27 AM

Sorry your day was so yucky. :( I hope today is better.

Posted by: Kat with a K at August 7, 2008 06:18 AM

Ice cream is the answer to alot of life's problems! =) Exept for of course weight loss. =) oh well

Posted by: debi at August 7, 2008 08:21 AM

Why would you expect something you've never done before to come out perfect the first time? You my dear are too hard on yourself.

I didn't know that transmissions on brand new cars are supposed to break. Hmm.

We're going to Morro Bay for our anniversary! We're just staying one night - but we're going to Hearst Castle. I'm excited. I've wanted to take Jason there for so long. We get a three day weekend since we got married on Labor day - which you know, duh.

Posted by: jennifer at August 7, 2008 03:51 PM

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