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Monday, April 14, 2008

I can only laugh because it wasn't [shudder] a centipede

(Seriously, just typing that subject line is making my body feel funny. I'd go delete it but then I'd have to look at it.)

This afternoon we were taking the dog on our usual stroll to the mailbox (which, sadly, DOES NOT COUNT as exercise, even though it's a quarter of a mile each way) when we noticed that Smokey had a lizard. Now, we live in the country, hope to have a garden, and possess fruit and nut trees. Hence, there are a few kinds of small animals whose consumption by Smokey we at least ignore, if not actively encourage. (Gophers, I am looking at you.) But all lizards are protected species as far as we are concerned, and they're also bad for cats, so I got Smokey to let go of the poor thing, and it promptly disappeared. I was ruffling the grass trying to make sure that it got far enough away before I let go of the cat, when I felt a suspicious... tickling sensation... on my shin. Which was and is covered by my jeans. No way, I thought. That only happens in movies.

And, apparently, in my front yard.

I don't mind reptiles; except for venomous ones, I actually really like them. This doesn't mean, though, that I didn't yelp a little bit at this point while engaging in a very silly-looking one-legged Lizard Dislodging Dance, to the immense amusement of my children. The lizard made good his escape (at this point, he probably wished the cat had just gone ahead and finished him off), fortunately before I had to resort to the removal of any clothing, which would have traumatized everyone concerned including the lizard, the cat, and the dog. Not to mention any neighbors who might have happened to drive by.

Moral of the story: This is why tapered jeans with (artfully mismatched) socks over the zippered cuffs should have stayed in fashion.

Posted by Rachel on April 14, 2008 03:08 PM in I dunno, I thought it was funny...



Unrelated, but I just picked up a few of your recommendations at the library: Rachel's Holiday and... Never Let Me Go? Whatever that one is with a title similar to that.

Posted by: Kat with a K at April 14, 2008 05:18 PM

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