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Thursday, January 31, 2008

I guess this mostly ended up being about Scout. Again.

Yuck. I had to get that whiny post out of the top spot. Dichroic was right: I needed to go to bed. Anytime I start to feel that way again for the rest of my life I am going to remember that sage advice. Everything looks better in the morning.

(Even if the poor dog DOES get so anxious when we leave that she just HAS to poop inside. Hey, at least she holds the pee! We take her for SO MANY walks, trying to get her to do her dirty business outside, but it just seems like her body clock schedules that second poop of the day right during any meetings we ever have in the evening. I am studying up on how to housetrain an adolescent dog. I'll let you know how it goes.)

OK, that's the only scatological reference in this entire post; no need to leave.

Speaking of the dog, she went to the vet on Monday as aforementioned. She is approximately eight months old, is not spayed yet (but she will be), and is most likely a Queensland/terrier mix. I really thought there was pinscher in that face, but the more I looked at her, the more I remembered a dog my grandpa had when I was a girl -- Jenn and Debi, do you remember Patches? This was Patches' dad -- who was a Queensland and who had exactly the same coloring. He was just larger and stockier, with a slightly shorter face, which of course is where the terrier comes in, in Scout's case. The vet says she doesn't think Scout is even a bit of pinscher. Which honestly eases my mind a little, what with Scout sleeping practically on my daughter's face most nights. I know, I know, it's more nurture than nature, but still.

Also, I really REALLY think she wants a small doggy companion, but T says NO. Quite emphatically. So I guess she'll have to *snif* be lonely *snuffle* for the rest of her natural life. *sniffle*.

Yes, as a matter of fact, T does read my blog! Hi, T! Love you! Smooch!

The parallels between having a dog and having a baby are many, really, when you think about it.

OK, on to something else. Enough about the dog. The weather! Is still lame. Even my children are sick of snow, and that's all that needs to be said about that. We actually had a nice sunny day yesterday, which was good, except that it was also so cold that you couldn't go for a walk without a balaclava and fur-lined gloves. (OK, or maybe it was a knitted hat and mittens. But a scarf would definitely have helped.)

In other news, I have no clue what to make for supper tonight, and said supper has to be made in an hour and fifteen minutes. No. Clue. Yay for the tax return because I think we're going to the little neighborhood store for fried chicken. I am definitely not tracking today's food for my nutrition instructor.

Speaking of scarves (well, I was, up there), I am knitting one. I think I mentioned that before. I pulled out the foot or so that I had done and started over because I wanted to do the edges differently. Then I figured, what the heck, and pulled out the front pieces of the cardigan I am making for C to start them over with different edges too. Here's hoping that the new edges work out; otherwise I'll be making these projects for my grandchildren.

And that is all. I cannot bring myself to bore you all any further this afternoon, although you know I could if I wanted to.

Posted by Rachel on January 31, 2008 04:30 PM in pets | the round of life


You know my first thought was either something/terrier mix or a Queensland/something mix. But yeah, she looked so much like a pinscher I dismissed that. It was totally obvious that she is definitely a puppy. Since she's so young, she'll be easy to house train and she'll get used to you being gone. Does she poop while you're gone or when you walk through the door? That's so sweet that she took to Claire so fast. Not surprising in the least though :-)

Posted by: jennifer at January 31, 2008 06:20 PM

Trust me, you are NEVER boring. :)

Posted by: Kat with a K at January 31, 2008 06:33 PM

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