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Saturday, November 03, 2007

A random, listy kind of I-don't-really-have-anything-specific-to-say kind of post

Things that fill my days:

  • teaching the kids.
  • washing clothes, hanging laundry on the line, bringing it in, folding it, putting it away*
  • assisting in the Great Family-Wide Autumnal Wood-Gathering effort, which is monumental and seemingly unending and absolutely wears me out, meaning I'm a total wimp, because my dad, who is twenty-two years older than me with a painful case of MS and who knows what all other ills and discomforts, is the driving force behind it and we scurry to keep up with him.
  • cooking for six, but only a few days a week.*
  • going for long walks when I can, usually with one or more of the kids.
  • my own studying and schoolwork.
  • a varied and tiresome list of home-purchase busywork, like lining up homeowner's insurance and keeping on top of the substantial paperwork required by the lender, all of which would be less annoying if we didn't have the axe suspended over our heads, ready to drop at the close of business hours Monday, rendering all of this absolutely pointless.
  • driving back and forth to town (seventeen miles/thirty minutes) and the chapel for Boy Scouts, school, Bible study, Awana, groceries, and who knows what all else.
  • reading. You can't stop me reading, no matter how busy I get.

*actually, my housework-load has never been lighter. Dad cleans the living room, he and Mom and I split the cooking, Mom and I do the laundry, and that just leaves my room for me to tidy, pretty much. And generally I just shut that door and shrug.

Things that have annoyed me (aside from the obvious):
  • this book and this one too. Only SIX MORE WEEKS of that abysmal class and then I am going to fully shoot those books full of holes. You think I'm joking, but I'm not.
  • My jaw. Hello, jaw, you are only thirty-two years old; you are not supposed to be worn out and be all clicky and so so painful. Maybe I have reached my lifetime quota for talking, and will have to spend the rest of my days in frustrated silence (shut up, I hear you cheering) with my teeth wired together, living on milkshakes. (hey, there's some consolation).
  • This afternoon, I stopped off downtown to buy something at a store and there was Christmas music, loud, terrible Christmas music blaring from speakers hidden in the awnings that run along the businesses on the main drag in town. Come on, people, if you're going to start the commercialization of the whole thing so nauseatingly early, at least give us some Chanticleer or Mannheim Steamroller or London Philharmonic or something, not the Christmas version of what commonly passes for country music these days. Please. I am begging.

Things that have my nerdy synapses firing double-time and all gleeful-like:

  • The Language Log. It simultaneously makes me feel linguistically satisfied and very, very stupid.
  • in a similar vein, RACHEL WANTS FOR CHRISTMAS SO MUCH. (don't buy it, though, because I have alerted T already in an email with more exclamation points than I am generally inclined to use.)
  • My Barnes and Noble membership. Because now, of course, I have to buy books, or else the membership will have been a total waste. Also, I have found that bn.com has wishlists just like Amazon except it's all books, all the time, which, yay. Remember when Amazon was just books? Ah, the good old days.
  • Also, yay for the time change! I am completely in favor of getting an extra hour to stay up late and read. Thank you, William Willett!

Posted by Rachel on November 3, 2007 11:01 PM in the hard-working coed


Delurking to ask:
Maybe you've addressed this before and I've forgotten, but what is it about those two books that's annoying you so much? I've read the second one, and I'm curious to hear what you're thinking.

Posted by: KarenDV at November 4, 2007 03:37 AM

Delurking to ask:
Maybe you've addressed this before and I've forgotten, but what is it about those two books that's annoying you so much? I've read the second one, and I'm curious to hear what you're thinking.

Posted by: KarenDV at November 4, 2007 03:39 AM

Two things for your fun and entertainment:

Bookmooch.com. Have I told you about this already? You can send your stupid books out to some liberal and get good stuff in return for free. Perhaps not as satisfying as shooting holes in it, but you get something out of the deal.

freerice.com I apologize in advance for you wasting way too much time. I did.

Posted by: mary at November 4, 2007 04:09 PM

I will have to disagree with you on being happy when Amazon was only books. I am so happy that they have so much more than that. I can listen to CDs before I buy them, I can get movies for a fraction of what they'd cost at the store and I have found so many random things from my childhood that I thought I'd never see again.

Posted by: jenn at November 4, 2007 05:08 PM

Jenn: Whether Amazon has stuff besides books or not doesn't really matter to me, although I can see how you would think I was saying it did. I was just referring, with my tongue firmly planted in my cheek, to those long-ago days of yore, when the Internet was new and Amazon was a bookstore.

Mary: If I could manage to do so, I would hate you. You're just lucky I can't. (level 48 and 480 grains of rice, bwa ha ha ha!)

Posted by: Rachel at November 4, 2007 10:50 PM

I appreciate your inability to hate me. :)

I *knew* this rice thing would be perfect for you. I had to quit after a while, it was going on too long!

Posted by: mary at November 6, 2007 09:44 AM

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