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Thursday, October 25, 2007

I am too tired to think of a title.

I haven't lost anything substantial in two weeks! That's good news, right? Except that now I totally jinxed myself and who knows what I'll lose tomorrow. Probably my mind.

Also, I stayed up late in spite of a nasty miserable head cold in order to register for next semester's classes, thinking that Friday was the 27th. (Because online registration is fun, OK? No, there's no danger that the classes will fill up. Yes, I have until January to register. Just realize that I'm a nerd and move on.) Except when I looked down at the handy-dandy little date display at the bottom of my monitor I realized (as you doubtless already have) that I had made a mistake and tortured my poor sickly self for nothing. Oops.

In spite of the fact that I'm apparently a total airhead who can't remember what day it is, I am doing OK in school. Music Appreciation is an absolute blast, and I manage to keep myself from being TOO annoying without having to shut up completely. And the English class is going better than I thought. So far I am surprised at how good my grades have been; the entire grade is based on writing papers and essays, which I hate. I'm especially surprised at how lenient the instructor was when he graded my in-class essay, which had to be done in ink, as in, without a word processor, in the process of which I learned two things: 1) My handwriting is abysmal and 2) I rely a bit too heavily on revision and I need to learn to organize my thoughts more thoroughly before I start writing, or else I end up starting over after writing for about forty-five of the allotted 150 minutes, and then turning in a paper that looks like it was written by a Rhesus monkey anyway.

There is actual house news! The house is in escrow (am I the only person on the planet who says that all confidently but in actuality has only a very foggy and incomplete idea of what it means? Probably.). We are making plans for the renovations and repairs we will be doing, and I THINK maybe we can squeeze Pergo floors into the budget, which makes me a happy happy person. There will be painting to do in every single room including both bathrooms (augh), and there will also be a complete replacement of the ceiling in the living room and kitchen, but at least I will have those lovely floors to look forward to. Maybe. I hope. I think escrow closes in mid-November (hi, I'm so on top of things that I have no clear idea of exactly when I take possession of a house), but we won't be moving in right away thanks to all of this exciting stuff that we have get to do first.

I am thinking of a nice creamy, sunshiny yellow and white with lightish, warm-toned hardwoody floors. What does everyone else think? Please comment.

Some people have asked for pictures of the house. Here are a few. Sort of.

It's just a single-story fixer-upper rectangle of a house, nothing to write a magazine article about or anything, but it's ours. Or will be soon. We hope.

There's a little woodsy area below and beside the house. This is the kids' favorite tree. Someone at some point built a treehouse in it, but it's no longer usable; they have plans to build their own. Unfortunately, a lot of this old live oak is dead, so it'll have to be cut away.

I stitched together a panorama of the view from the front yard, and added silly notes; it's here.

Posted by Rachel on October 25, 2007 11:42 PM in I'm going crazy; want to come along? | house stuff | the hard-working coed


I have NO idea what escrow means, so I'll join you in that club. And my house is almost entirely done in cheerfull yellows with hardwood floors, so yes! It's a lovely scheme.

Posted by: Beck at October 26, 2007 05:58 AM

I have no idea what escrow really means either. Our taxes get paid out of the escrow account too. I think it's usually "in escrow" for about 30 days so your closing is that many days from when you signed. I think.

Goats! Goats! How exciting. Here's to Natalie's rose climbing that trellis. How awesome would that be, to see that in bloom out your kitchen window every day?

Also Pergo is WAY exciting. Some day we will do that. Someday. I'm thinking a warm oak-y color with your sunshine yellow.

It's good to hear from you. Enjoy your renovations in YOUR HOUSE. YOUR HOUSE!!!!

Posted by: mary at October 26, 2007 06:53 AM

Yay! House news! And photos! :o)

Goats, sledding slope, carport and garage, potential new tree house, etc.--!! I'm so excited for you all!

The sunny yellow paint and light, warm-toned Pergo sound really pretty and cheerful!

Hurray for the window over the kitchen sink! (Whoever designs a house without a kitchen sink window must never have had to wash a pot or pan in his life!)

Ok, enough exclamation points. (g) Oh, and I'm not really sure about escrow, either-- except what Mary already said about taxes being paid out of the escrow account.

Posted by: Michael at October 26, 2007 07:22 AM

Everybody here seems to know way more about escrow than I do. I just smiled and nodded (so very typical of me!) when I read that part of your email... :).

I cannot tell you how excited I am for you. Goats! Sledding slope, carport & garage, potential new tree house indeed!! And the possible pergo! YAY!! That's awesome news....

I am so excited for you guys. Can't wait to hear about/see the progress!! Love you!

Posted by: Susan at October 26, 2007 11:53 PM

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