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Tuesday, December 27, 2005


Let's see how many snippets I can type before T finishes setting up LT's computer game:

1) Yesterday I wore eyeliner (family took me out to dinner because of my birthday) for the first time since my wedding on March 19, 1994.

2) Speaking of birthday: If you had told me when I was ten years old that I would someday not find it an eternity between Christmases, I would maybe have believed you. I might even have gone along with it if you'd said that I wouldn't always think Christmas was the be-all and end-all, best day of the year hands down. However, if you'd told me that I would ever be unbelievably glad to see the end of the Holy Grail of days -- I'd have laughed in your face. Maybe even until Christmas Eve of this year. Not anymore. Ack. C was sick and was totally unenthusiastic about all her presents (including the matching nightgowns for herself and her brand-new doll who also came with a really enormous horse), T and I got in an argument, I went to sleep crying. Yippee.

3) The day after was much, much better.

4) I have only read three books this month so far. All of them were written by Beverly Cleary. I blame the typing jobs and the sewing projects.

5) A waterbath is THE ANSWER to a crackless cheesecake. I swear, the moment I removed a crack-free cheesecake from the oven was among the most triumphant of my life. Granted, my life has not exactly been what one would call overly triumphant in general. But still.

6) LT got Star Wars Trivial Pursuit from his paternal grandparents for Christmas. So far we've played it twice -- the whole family -- with tonight's game being a rematch, because guess who inexplicably lost the first time. It wasn't me, even though I don't know a blockade runner from a hole in the ground. (He was vindicated.)

And the answer to the question above is apparently 6. Good night all; I'm heading for bed with a Jane Austen book.

Posted by Rachel on December 27, 2005 11:02 PM in the round of life


Wow, that is so cool that you can make all those gifts for C. I need to learn how to use my sewing machine before I have kids. What is a waterbath?

Posted by: jenn at December 28, 2005 01:01 AM

All is well and good if you can assure me the eyeliner wasn't the same one from 1994. Right?


Posted by: Kristen at December 28, 2005 02:15 PM

ha! no. I lost all my wedding makeup (note: the ONE TIME I went and paid real money for makeup, I lost it all) and never wore ANY of it again, including my favorite lipstick that I have ever owned that was the perfect color for me and cost $25 and felt great on and didn't kiss off and I wore it once and no I'm not bitter.

The thing was that when T bought me the perfume for my birthday, he got the 'hey! if you purchase $X in Estee Lauder products, you get this huge makeup kit for only $Y!' routine, and he bit. Which was nice of him. I needed new mascara, and there's nice eyeliner and a couple of lipsticks I can wear, and one blush... not sure about any of the eyeshadows. I'm a brown-eyeshadow girl and these were all these frosty grays and blues. But it came with really nice brushes and a schmancy carrying case thing. And it's just so sweet that my husband would venture into that department, you know? Usually if he's buying me girly stuff it's satiny and the colors have to match, if you know what I mean. :) (Not that I mind that either.)

Posted by: Rachel at December 28, 2005 02:39 PM

And a waterbath would be...

Posted by: jenn at December 29, 2005 02:53 PM

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