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Friday, December 23, 2005

a few more snapshots

Snapshot 1: C is lying on the couch, finally asleep, doped up on the following:

  • Tylenol for fever
  • Dramamine because right before she got the fever we still thought we were going to my parents' -- more about that in a second -- and her tummy was upset (um, VERY upset, as it turned out)
  • about three episodes of Little House on the Prairie watched back-to-back. Maybe it was two. I lost count.
The date on the snapshot says "December 23rd 2005", which coincidentally is the date marked on the calendar with "Rachel's BDay Mom and Dad's". So, that's not happening, nor is the Nikon getting to take its first walk down Christmas Tree Lane tonight like it was hoping it would.

Snapshot 2: LT is in the front yard, where he was sent by his mother about an hour ago under orders to put away the rakes and shovels he'd left lying on the lawn. Rakes and shovels are put away, and LT, who was 'so bored and there's NOTHING to do outside without [my friend down the street who is also ill, along with his entire family, with symptoms strikingly similar to C's] or C' is now battling imaginary foes and running around in the fresh sixty-degree air and bright sunshine having a grand old time.

Snapshot 3: Mommy's not bummed about missing her birthday party or anything. Naah. Especially not since the rest of the crowd is likely going to take THEIR Nikons down Christmas Tree Lane without her. Nope. Not at all. (item: I know my husband and son well enough to be certain that by the end of this weekend, their sweet thoughtfulness about my birthday will likely have brought me to tears at least once. So I'm genuinely not terribly bummed. Much.)

Whoops! I've just been invited to play Scrabble with my nine-year-old (T's at the store buying sickie supplies and a last-minute gift or two). What sane mother would pass that up to sit in front of this machine whining to her vast blogging public? Not this one.


That little stinker beat me! As a homeschooling mom (who, er, might have helped a little), what can I say but YES! :)

Posted by Rachel on December 23, 2005 02:05 PM in I'm going crazy; want to come along?


My friend Amy had that last week and it only lasted a day. I thought she was going to come down with the flu I had, but she started throwing up instead. Then the next day she was fine. I hope that offers some consolation. I'm glad you liked your package by the way ;)

Posted by: jenn at December 23, 2005 09:02 PM

I'm so sorry C's sick! I hope she gets well before Christmas and that she doesn't pass it on to the rest of you.

Have a Merry Christmas :-)

Posted by: Maria at December 23, 2005 11:35 PM

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