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Sunday, June 26, 2005


T is still gone. He'll probably come home tomorrow night at his regular time. We hope. He was supposed to have a four-day weekend (well, Thursday he had to go to the lab, so he took it off, but whatever) and ended up getting called on Friday evening to go in early Saturday. So the last any of us saw him was Friday night, because no, I did NOT manage to stay up till 3:30 and make him pancakes. I've done it before in situations like this but I just couldn't this time; I was nodding off sitting up, and finally headed to bed around 12:30 or 1:00 in a sleepy haze of guilt.

I have a papercut (from a paper plate. What kind of person gets papercuts from a paper plate? Oh yeah, me. Nevermind) right in that web of skin between my finger and thumb on my left hand. A papercut has always been right up there with a hangnail as favorites for sarcastic excuses for getting out of work, as if they're these negligible little nothings. Well, I did do some work today, but I am here to tell you that papercuts and hangnails hurt. They really do. Whine.

Also, VBS starts tomorrow (that's Vacation Bible School, which lasts a week and takes all morning, for those of you who are either child-free or not from the Evangelical Christian planet). I did not sign up to help this year, but odds are I'll be helping anyway, since I have nothing else to do during the four-hour duration of the event. I'm certainly not driving home (15 miles) and back (15 miles again) when I don't have to and gas is still at European-style prices. The night before something like this I always dread it, and try to figure out ways to wiggle out of it, but the fact is that the kids are really looking forward to it. Well, C is. I think LT could probably do without VBS just fine and never miss it, but C is a little social animal who loves her fun and games. And once I'm actually there I'm always glad we went.

However. I have been a good girl this weekend and actually stuck to my diet, overall. I hate that word -- it's right up there with "blog" -- but it sounds even lamer to say something else, like "healthy eating plan" or what have you. So diet it is. For those of you who joined us late, I lost 30 pounds in the fall/winter of 2003/2004. Which is great, except that I wanted to lose 45 pounds, but I just sort of stopped at 30, way back over a year ago, last spring, and in the last few months I've actually gained five pounds back, and that is just purely unacceptable. So this past weekend has been that really fun time at the beginning of a new way of eating when you're basically starving all the time, especially in the afternoons and evenings, when I feel like I could eat a Mack truck if someone would deep-fry it and serve it with ranch sauce for dipping. If I hang in there for a week it'll get better, I know this, but augh. Oh, wait, that was a happy thing. Yay.

And I've been catching up on laundry. And the house is clean. I figure the least I can do for a man who leaves the house at 4:00 to go work two or three nineteen-hour days to feed our family when he thought he'd be at home relaxing (well, working. On projects. But... whatever. It's relaxing to HIM) is to have the house comfortable for him when he walks in. Now watch, tomorrow it'll get totally destroyed just in time for him to come in the door.

And I watched "The Phantom of the Opera" again tonight. My new favorite part this time was the Don Juan scene where the Phantom has just offed the male lead guy and taken his place on the stage and he's singing and Christine and Raoul and Madame Giry and Mssrs. Firmin and André have all just figured that out and the tension is just palpable and augh must NOT put it in again must NOT must go to BED.


what is this i've stumbled on?

Posted by: jenn at June 27, 2005 12:28 AM

That papercut must be particularly nasty -- extra thick paper makes for very yucky cuts. Especially where you have it. You have my sympathy.

Posted by: mary at June 27, 2005 05:31 AM

This may be a stupid question, but if your alarm was going off at 3AM *anyway*, wouldn't it be easier just to go to bed early, get up with T, and make the pancakes? Especially knowing you could go back to bed afterward?

Posted by: dichroic at June 27, 2005 08:16 AM

"that really fun time at the beginning of a new way of eating when you're basically starving all the time, especially in the afternoons and evenings, when I feel like I could eat a Mack truck..."

Dude, don't do that. (Yeah, here comes the unsolicited advice): It would be really good for you and T if you could try to eat 6 small meals a day. It's not hard--Ryan and I have been doing it. It will increase your metabolism and you'll never feel full, seriously. I've already lost fat (weight has stayed the same because I've gained muscle at the gym, but clothes are fitting differently). We can talk about this more if you want; I don't want to fill up your comment space with my blatherings about eating.

Posted by: Kristen at June 27, 2005 01:07 PM

ACK!!! I meant you'll never feel HUNGRY!!!


Posted by: Kristen at June 27, 2005 01:07 PM

Care to share how you lost weight? ;) By just not eating? Enjoy your blog...my daughter is named Rachel, the loveliest name!

Posted by: Dana at June 28, 2005 02:04 PM

I agree with Kristen. When I lost all that weight the first time, I did it by eating a bunch of small meals a day and working out. It took a long time, but I had a lot more weight to lose than you. As long as you keep it within your necessary caloric and fat intake you could eat whatever you want. (By the way, did Kristen say "Dude?" I don't know why but when it's written I always hear, "Doood." Funny, no?)

Posted by: jenn at June 29, 2005 01:41 AM

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