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Monday, May 09, 2005

mother's day etc.

Well, I'm going to join the ranks of Christian women bloggers who are explaining why they're not blogging as often anymore. My reasons aren't as cool as theirs -- especially Molly; I mean, who can top having a baby as a reason to stay away from the computer? But I do have a little list of reasons. I have a crochet project I'm working on really hard; I am trying to get through Mansfield Park; we're getting to the end of the school year and I'm getting that "you slacker, your children are going to hate you when they're adults because you basically took off the entire months of March and April from any kind of regular sit-down school every year and that meant that they reached the age of 18 barely able to multiply single-digit numbers and now they live in the ghetto and scrounge in trash cans for a living THANKS A WHOLE LOT MOM" kind of panic. I KNOW it's not true, I mean, heck, if I stopped right now they could probably get jobs with, I dunno, the postal service or something. And most importantly, they're growing and blossoming and reading and writing (sometimes even legibly, but don't count on it) and being creative and they're very bright and everything. It's just this kind of opposite-of-spring-fever thing I get every year, don't mind me.

Also, it has been raining again, so I haven't been taking a whole lot of pictures to post, or going for walks. And the biggest reason is that I have a tendency to spend way too much time sitting here in front of this machine, and I need to work on curtailing that to a conscionable level. Don't expect me to disappear (especially because my resolve on this sort of thing is notoriously weak), but don't expect a post every day either, I guess. Which, hey, who's been expecting that lately anyway.

quick Mother's Day summation: I spent the day at home, except for a brief excursion to the library's used book sale, because LT woke up in the wee small hours on Sunday, throwing up. It ended up being a one-off, but we couldn't know that in time to go to church or the family gathering afterward. Plus I was up at 3 a.m., washing sheets and blankets and cuddling my nine-year-old (!!), and that is not conducive to getting up bright and early. It ended up being a pretty nice day, all things considered. We didn't play a family board game like I wanted to (the boys' round of the Star Wars trading card game thing or whatever it's called took longer than they thought it would), but I didn't have to wash dishes or cook, and I DID have ice cream and cookies. Definitely a day for the positive column. :)

Posted by Rachel on May 9, 2005 10:25 AM in boring blog-related stuff | homeschooling | motherhood | nose in a book | the round of life


I have been thinking along similar lines, so I can certainly see why you who have children are stepping back a little bit. Isn't it so easy to get so passionate (read: semi-obsessive) about something?

I have taken the opportunity to examine myself a bit, and I think I've given blogging a place that's a little too elevated. I remember when you started this blog; you wrote about making sure that you spent time in the Word before blogging. I confess--especially with working outside the home, hectic mornings, and the time change (yeah, it's said that's a factor), I haven't made the time to get in the Word personally before blogging. And while my entries usually help me do a study (e.g., the angels post that's up now), it's not the same as spending a bunch of time one-on-one with the Lord.

My situation is a wee bit different in that I do work out of the home, and my situation affords me time to do things like this. But that's no reason not to examine myself and be honest with what I find.

Posted by: Kristen at May 9, 2005 11:19 AM

Um, I meant "it's sad," not "it's said." Argh.

Posted by: Kristen at May 9, 2005 11:20 AM

Well, well, well...Whoduthunk we actually have LIVES. This coming from someone who used to post at least twice daily and then stalk everyone to make sure it was being read! How pathetic is that? I have been spending much more time doing what I love. Reading, watching movies, spending time with my husband, cooking gourmet meals instead of going to Jack N' The Box! (I do still come on for a few minutes daily to check my mail and read everyone elses updates). I haven't read the Bible in weeks (As we talked about the other day), therefore I haven't posted on my newer Blog that was really doing so well for a while there. How about this...You come up with another lesson plan, I'll post about it and maybe we can get something more productive going?

Posted by: jenn at May 9, 2005 01:30 PM

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