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Friday, May 20, 2005

"Friday Feast"

This is from Friday's Feast" via Kristen.

Approximately how many hours per day do you spend watching television?

None, unless it happens to be a week when we happen to visit, say, my in-laws' house, where the TV is generally always on. I do watch somewhere between two and ten hours of videos or DVDs a week, though, almost all from our home collection or from the library, usually while I'm doing something else, like crocheting. And most of that is the kids watching something and me just happening to be there.

Which colors decorate your kitchen?

Cobalt blue and white. If you can call it "decorate".

Name 2 brand names you buy on a regular basis, and what do you like about them?

Um. Diet Coke, because, well, it is perfection in a carbonated beverage (NO ASPARTAME RANTS, PLEASE, I've heard it all before, thanks). And also... man, I am not much of a brand-names person -- Grape Nuts cereal, because the generic version is awful.

Main Course
What is your biggest fear?

I don't even like to think about it long enough to type it, but I imagine every mother (or anyone who knows any mothers) knows what it is.

If you could wake up tomorrow and find yourself in another location, where would you want to be?

Hmm. Morro Bay? I'm assuming I could take my family with me and come back when I wanted to?

Bonus Birthday Question
What's your favorite flavor of birthday cake?

I like Costco's chocolate cake with their chocolate mousse filling and chocolate whipped icing. Thank you so much, that nice healthy stew I just ate for lunch seems a lot less appealing now.

Posted by Rachel on May 20, 2005 12:36 PM in oh, great, another meme


Actually one of my friends did research on aspartame, and you have to drink something like 15 liters a day for it even to be REMOTELY bad for you.

So I'd say you're pretty safe ;)

I never drink diet anything, but that's because I don't like the taste of it. Bring on the calories! :-D

Posted by: Maria at May 21, 2005 03:54 AM

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