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Saturday, April 30, 2005

April reads

I kept thinking I'd finish more books this month, but I've been in less of a reading mood lately than I usually am. It must be the crocheting. Anyway, here are my measly four (completed) books for April:

  1. Anne of Avonlea -- L.M. Montgomery -- 2
    • This has always been my least favorite of all the Anne books; I like it even less than the really episodic ones later in the series which were written years after she finished the rest of them. This one has some of the most annoying characterization of any book I've ever even remotely liked -- I always just read it because I feel like I have to, before I can move on to the rest of the series.

  2. Sense and Sensibility -- Jane Austen -- 5
    • What can one say? It's Austen for crying out loud. (Every time I read this, my love for Colonel Brandon and for Elinor increases, and my hatred for Robert Ferrars and the Steele sisters increases even more.)

  3. Pride and Prejudice -- Jane Austen -- 5
    • Again with the 'what can one say'. In fact I'm not even going to try. Just writing the title makes me want to dive into this one again.

  4. Anne of the Island -- L.M. Montgomery -- 3
    • Usually I like this one pretty well but it just fell really flat for me this time. Maybe because it pales in contrast with P&P? I mean, anything would. Or maybe because the older I get, the more distance I feel from the lighthearted college life depicted in this book. I've "grown up" with Anne Shirley -- when I discovered her books I was the same age as Anne when she arrived at Green Gables, and I've read them over and over through the years, getting older (necessarily) as I went, passing up Anne as a teenager and then Anne as a college student and then Anne as a working woman and then Anne as a young wife and new mother, until now I'm more in a Rainbow Valley sort of stage. And that's kind of depressing -- because Rainbow Valley is where Anne pretty much completely disappears.

      Oh, wait a minute. This was a review for Anne of the Island, wasn't it. Sigh. Um, OK. Less Philippa next time please, Maud.

Posted by Rachel on April 30, 2005 06:36 PM in nose in a book


What is it about AoA that makes it your least favourite? I do agree that it's not of the same quality as the others, but I think RV is my least favourite.

AotI used to be my favourite, but when I tried rereading it recently, I got bored with it. Perhaps I've read it too much?

Posted by: Maria at May 1, 2005 03:09 AM

Screw Blogger. You have your OWN DOMAIN...cool.

Posted by: jenn at May 1, 2005 05:18 AM

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