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Thursday, March 10, 2005

ahh, Mr. Darcy

Not in a "ooh, isn't Colin Firth handsome," kind of way, you understand. Just in a "what a totally fantastic and amazing dynamic character, how well-written, how subtle, and most of all, how TOTALLY-SIGH-WORTHILY ROMANTIC" kind of way. My new-but-already-dear friend Kristen was mentioning to me today (er, yesterday?) that she enjoys watching A&E's "Pride and Prejudice" when she's sick, and she's right, it's the perfect accompaniment to sniffles and fever and a cozy bed on the couch. I love reading (and watching; this is a rare excellent adaptation, even though there's the periodic use of a crow sound effect which reminds me startlingly of the cat-swinging scene in "Monty Python and the Holy Grail") the subtle ways in which Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth change their attitudes, and analyzing their reasons for doing so. I love Mr. Bennet's wry remarks. I love Caroline Bingley's expression every time she tries to get Mr. Darcy to say something nice about her, and he says it about Elizabeth instead. I love that when T is in the room while the movie's on he doesn't even pretend not to watch it.

I'm up late, coughing, watching/listening to P&P while reading online journals (Amy Loves Books just took up a good two and a half hours of my time, thank you Amy), using a roll of toilet paper in lieu of the box of tissues which always manages to disappear exactly when it's needed most, smelling of VapoRub and cough drops, surrounded by heaping baskets of clean laundry which I had intended to fold whilst watching the abovementioned P&P and by little fluffs of tissue. Just so you can have a little snapshot of my undeniably glamorous life.

And now I'm going to make a night of it and put in THE SECOND DVD. I won't be sleeping with this cough anyway; I may as well have the pleasure of seeing Pemberley.

Posted by Rachel on March 10, 2005 12:06 AM in health | movies


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