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Saturday, January 22, 2005

much ado about... not much

Tonight I read a chapter of Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of Nimh aloud to the family. One of my favorite memories from childhood is the way my brother and I would lie in bed while Mom sat in our room and read out loud to us. Both of us were old enough to read ourselves, and I had already developed the nose-in-book disease that would plague me so deliciously for the rest of my life, but somehow having Mom read to us was special. She read Charlotte's Web, and a wonderful little book called No Children, No Pets, her copy of which I later destroyed by much reading and which I tracked down and bought on Bibliofind.com (may it rest in peace) when I first had Internet access, and some of the Little House books and some of the Narnia ones. I've tried to do this with my kids over the years but it's always fizzled out after a few weeks. This time I wised up and picked a book that T really, really likes, so maybe he'll help me not slack off. ;-) Should we get through Mrs. Frisby, we'll move on to C's choice, The Wizard of Oz, and then LT's, Journey to the Center of the Earth, which I may record for my dad.

Cat update: Henry and Mary can now occupy the same couch without a single smidge of hissing or snarling or even crouching. They aren't washing each other's faces yet (oh, poor Molly, we miss you so, so much) but it's progress. They remind me of a blended family wherein a 15-year-old girl who wants to be a rebel but is good at heart just acquired a soft, skinny little 12-year-old stepbrother. Only they've never yet called each other "pizzaface" or listened in on each other's phone conversations. Give them time, I guess.

Posted by Rachel on January 22, 2005 12:01 AM in nose in a book | pets


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