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Sunday, November 07, 2004

holding onto sanity by my fingernails

This last week has made me eat every word I ever said about my children's utter lack of sibling rivalry. It is as if they have been possessed by the spirits of my brother at 8 and me at 5. In other words, you know they love each other, but they keep driving each other (and hence their mother) absolutely bananas. I think it was Thursday, or maybe it was Tuesday, when I was awakened at around eight o'clock by my son's voice: "MOMMY! C said [swear word beginning with S, and yes, this is all my fault, because I am the best mom ever]!!" Of course that meant he had said it too, so I let him know that he would share her punishment, which was to have to write forty nice words, in addition to their schoolwork. He called her a name for "getting him into trouble", so in addition to the forty pleasant words, he had to write ten nice words about his sister. All in his best handwriting. C's words were largely illegible, and very faint, but they ran heavy to horses and names of flowers. Here is LT's list, spelling intact:


  1. Prety
  2. Swete
  3. nice
  4. cute
  5. smart
  6. good
  7. sciny ["skinny" (!!)]
  8. Gubby (one of her nicknames)
  9. Hoy (another nickname, because she used to get up in the morning, stumble into our room, and say, "Hoy, Daddy")
  10. C-girl (did I mention T gives out nicknames like some dads give out noogies?)


  1. happy
  2. rainy day
  3. cheerful
  4. Morobay
  5. soft
  6. dry
  7. warm
  8. flours (flowers)
  9. fun
  10. games
  11. elifent
  12. ducks
  13. crusht tranchlas
  14. playing
  15. frends
  16. love
  17. singing
  18. Mopar
  19. Legos
  20. choclit
  21. snoeflakes
  22. grene
  23. moon
  24. rose
  25. ladybugs
  26. grass
  27. trees
  28. cute
  29. crusht joonbugs
  30. swimming
  31. no school
  32. Daddy home
  33. holiday
  34. thanksgiveing
  35. reeding
  36. drawing
  37. creeks
  38. rivers
  39. lakes
  40. frendly

Hey, I'll take my parenting high points where I can get them, in a week like that one.

Posted by Rachel on November 7, 2004 09:47 PM in I'm going crazy; want to come along? | kids | motherhood


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