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Saturday, September 11, 2004

I am so dirty.

(this is my 300th entry! Happy entry-versary to me!)

I am so dirty. I am just filthy. (not like THAT, in case anyone has a dirty mind.) I am so dirty that if LT were not also filthy right now, he would be jealous. We have been working hard since early this morning, loading scrap metal (carburetors, pipe, two partial vehicles, a truck frame, and everything imaginary in between) into trucks and into trailers and then using our extensive knowledge of graduate-level physics (ha!) along with a Hi-Lift Jack and more muscles than I knew I had and a round water tank, to get the stuff off the trailers and out of the trucks. I am so sore, and quite sunburned, and did I mention I'm dirty? I am. Very. And now I'm going to take a long lukewarm shower and feel all helpful and powerful and hard-working and stuff, and then I'm going to barbecue.

updated to add: I am now all spiffy and clean. However, as if hauling around rusty metal (which would have been collectible if it hadn't been sitting around gathering rust since World War II), and then spending a considerable amount of time in a wrecking yard that makes your local Pick-A-Part look like a Lexus showroom, would not have sufficed: my neck? is really and truly, um, red.

Posted by Rachel on September 11, 2004 09:37 AM in the round of life


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